Briefly discussed in our article KICKBOXING CONDITIONING – PART 1 – RUNNING, combat sports require a high level of fitness and superior conditioning. We will continue today discussing the boxing bag workout as part of our NEWS TIPS FORM THE COACH short articles.

Bag Work Part 2

Kickboxing or combat sport, as opposed to other sports, do not allow the athlete to slow down or rest when he gets tired, therefore the only minute the athlete must rest, and recover is during the interval between two rounds. Being very fit will ensure the athlete can recover during the one-minute rest between the rounds

Conditioning is achieved in many ways or different training plans. One way to keep the skills sharp and build stamina is to work on the heavy bag. The athlete can practice previously learned punching and kicking techniques to sharpen their execution and timing. He should not limit himself to throwing a single punch or a single kick but should execute different techniques and combinations. The athlete should start with various punching combos and introducing kicks as the workout progress considering that an effective heavy bag drill should last between two to three minutes.

The athlete should push himself to increase power and speed, and improve technique during the 2 to 3 minutes rounds. This will ensure the athlete improves continuously in technique, power and speed, stamina and burns calories.